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    Mekatronix hereby grants to any individuals or organizations permission to reproduce and distribute copies of this document, in whole or in part, for any personal or non-commercial educational use only. This copyright notice must accompany any copy that is distributed.
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    Other than cases mentioned in Copyright Notice, no part of any Mekatronix document may be reproduced in any form without written permission of Mekatronix. For example, Mekatronix does not grant the right to make derivative works based on these documents without written consent.
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    Mekatronix software is licensed and not sold. Software documentation is licensed to you by Mekatronix, the licensor and a corporation under the laws of Florida. Mekatronix does not assume and shall have no obligation or liability to you under this license agreement. You own the diskettes on which the software is recorded but Mekatronix retains title to its own software. You may not rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute Mekatronix software, or create derivative works for rent, lease, loan, sell, or distribution without a contractual agreement with Mekatronix.
  4. Limited Warranty.
    Mekatronix strives to make high quality products that function as described. However, Mekatronix does not warrant, explicitly or implied, nor assume liability for, any use or applications of its products. In particular, Mekatronix products are not qualified to assume critical roles where human or animal life may be involved. For unassembled kits, you accept all responsibility for the proper functioning of the kit. Mekatronix is not liable for, or anything resulting from, improper assembly of its products, acts of God, abuse, misuses, improper or abnormal usage, faulty installation, improper maintenance, lightning or other incidence of excess voltage, or exposure to the elements. Mekatronix is not responsible, or liable for, indirect, special, or consequential damages arising out of, or in connection with, the use or performances of its product or other damages with respect to loss of property, loss of revenues or profit or costs of removal, installation or re-installations. You agree and certify that you accept all liability and responsibility that the products, both hardware and software and any other technical information you obtain has been obtained legally according to the laws of Florida, the United States and your country. Your acceptance of the products purchased from Mekatronix will be construed as agreeing to these terms.

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